Level 1: 1 Hit Level 2: 1 Hit Level 3: 1 Hit Wire over a hook held by one of his soldiers, then yank the wire up to hang His opponent, Rolento will leap to the middle of the screen, and string the Rolento tugs a wire that rises along the ground in front of him. He can perform any Air Attack during his drop. Rolento quickly leaps back and pushes off the side of the screen, thenĭrops down. Mekong Delta Escape: QCB+Kick (any button) Will make Rolento quickly launch himself forward with his rod and strike Rolento rolls backward along the ground. Mekong Delta Air Raid: QCB+Punch (Punch) The stronger the Punch button used, the farther and faster the roll. Pressing a Punch button will make him roll quickly along the ground as anĪttack. Rolento does a backflip with the 3P press. Mekong Delta Attack: LP+HK or LK+HP (then Punch) The strength of the attack determines the angle of the knife: Pressing anyīutton during the leap will make him spin and toss a knife at an angleĭownward. Rolento leaps straight up with several knives in his hand. The stronger the Punch button used, the faster and farther Rolento slides. Repeating the motion a second and third time will perform two more rod-spinning attacks. Rolento slides forward while spinning his rod in front of him for multiple hits. In V-ISM after the bounce you are not restricted to using the spike rod only as a follow up regular air normals can be used unlike A-ISM, while X-ISM has no bounce and trajectory can be controlled like in SFA2.

FP is a great pre-emptive anti-air from closer up
Rolento street fighter 6 plus#
LP cannot be ducked and is plus on block, which can create very oppressive pressure for him.

In particular, Rolento is searching for an old rival named Cody in the hopes that he may help him build his own utopia.

cr.Rolento is travelling the world to seek allies to further strengthen his cause.MK - 5 frames added to Boost combo (on hit -9, on block -13) / Push back on block for boost combos reduced MP - 5 frames added to Boost combo (on hit -3, on block -8) / Push back on block for boost combos reduced Far HK - 10 frames added to Boost combo (on hit -13, on block -17) / Push back on block for boost combos reduced.

Far HP - 6 frames added to Boost combo (on hit -15, on block -19) / Push back on block for boost combos reduced.Far MK - 6 frames added to Boost combo (on hit -8, on block -12) / Push back on block for boost combos reduced.Vitality - Reduced from 1000 to 930 * Far LP - Hitbox reduced - Hurtbox reduced.In Street Fighter X Tekken, Rolento partners with Ibuki to find and destroy Pandora. In the game, he fights using a rod and resorts to throwing grenades when he's low on energy. He is a former member of the fictional Red Beret special forces unit, who serves as the supervisor of the Mad Gear gang's weapons plant.